Some specific implementations may require additional functionality that the Pro plugin does not offer. On those cases we develop extensions, to be acquired separately. If you have any specific needs, please contact us.
Anonymous Delivery Notes
This extension allows the issuance of anonymous Delivery notes, replacing the billing details with the shipping details or with “Final consumer”. Useful for stores that sell gifts that should be sent without buyer information.
Price: 39.00 € per year or 146.00€ lifetime.
Exclude categories/tags
This extension allows you to exclude certain product categories or tags from invoicing. This can be useful when some products are exempt from being invoiced, like events tickets (where you have to invoice only the ticketing commission).
Price: 39.00 € per year or 146.00€ lifetime.
Allows you to create invoicing documents in Euros converted from the original order currency. The conversion rate is fetched from Open Exchange Rates, if not present on the order set by one of the following (optional) integrations:
- WooCommerce Multi-Currency
- Other multi-currency plugins integrations on request
Price: 39.00 € per year or 146.00€ lifetime.
Prevent automatic documents (by condition)
This extension prevents automatic document issuing depending on order conditions like Payment gateway, Shipping method, Client user role, Child orders (normally marketplace sub-orders) and other conditions to be added in future versions.
Price: 39.00 € per year or 146.00€ lifetime.
TM Extra Product Options
“TM Extra Product Options” integration. Allows you to show and customize the extra options chosen for a product in the invoicing document.
Price: 39.00 € per year or 146.00€ lifetime.