Delivery notes

Issue Delivery note

Check this option if you want to allow the issuing of Delivery notes on the order edit screen, or automatically (if enabled).

Delivery notes may also be known as “Transport guides”.

License plate

The default vehicle registration plate, if applicable.

Load site address, postcode, city and country

The address, postcode, city, and country of the warehouse from which the goods are dispatched.

Get AT Code

Set this option to “Immediately after issuing document” or “Delayed 1 minute” if you need to get the AT Code for your delivery note. Will result in an error on trial accounts – Do not enable this option unless you absolutely need AT Code for some integration with 3rd party software. The AT Code will be stored in the order hd_wc_ie_plus_transport_guide_at_code custom field

Delay email

Check this option to send the Delivery note email after getting the AT Code (if the “Delayed 1 minute” option is chosen). Be aware that if the AT Code fails to be fetched, the email will never be sent.

Automatic issuing

Check this option if you want the Delivery notes to be issued automatically, instead of having to do it manually. We only recommend activating this option after issuing several manual guides and making sure everything is working 100% correctly in your environment.

Order status

The order status that will trigger the automatic issue of the Delivery note.

Return delivery notes

Issue Return delivery note

Check this option if you want to allow the issuing of Return delivery notes on the order edit screen.

Return delivery notes may also be known as “Devolution guides”.

General guides settings

Guides without prices

Check this option if you want to issue the guides without prices. Can be useful if your goods are shipped by a third-party partner that will only have access to the Delivery or Return guides.

Next: Issuing documents